Thursday 31 March 2016

Digestive System 03 - Digestive System Boot Camp

Reminder: BodyWorlds Field Trip Forms & Fees

Just a friendly reminder that your forms and fees are due for BodyWorlds. I will be personally tormenting those who don't have these in tomorrow during class.

Food For Thought: What Does the World Eat for Breakfast

Quiz Day

Welcome to quiz day. The quiz can be found below.

Infection and Immunity Quiz

When you have finished the quiz, please complete your Work Habits / Employability survey for this unit.

When you are done that, head on to the introduction to the digestive system.


Monday 28 March 2016

Welcome Back

Welcome back from Spring Break, or as those who have lived in Calgary all their lives like to call it, second winter.

This week we will be embarking on the completion of our Immunity and Infection module.

  • Tuesday - Groups complete remaining presentations
  • Wednesday - Review period for module quiz
  • Thursday - Module quiz / Last day to submit colouring sheets
  • Friday - Begin Digestive System Module

Video: Can Being Cold Give you a Cold?

Video: Vaccines

Welcome Back...Scott Stirling!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Infection Across the Ages Research Project and Presentation

This research and present project will see you and a group of up to three people research and present about the history of a past or current outbreak of infection disease.
You will have three classes to research and prepare for the presentation. You must be ready to present on date TBD. Your presentation must be in your assignment folder or a link to the Presi in that folder.

Your group will choose from one of the following diseases:
  • Spanish flu
  • Smallpox
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)
  • Ebola
  • Human Immunosuppressant Virus (HIV)
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Typhoid
  • Malaria
  • Bubonic plague
  • Yellow Fever
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS)
  • Polio
  • Whooping Cough
  • Cholera
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella
  • Zika virus

Your presentation should try to answer the following questions:
  • What is this disease?
  • What kind of pathogen is this? How does it affect the human body?
  • What portals of entry does it use?
  • What tissues does it affect?
  • How does it spread and is it deadly?
  • How much of the pathogen does it take to infect a human?
  • Look at the most significant outbreak of this disease and tell the class the story of what happened.
    • How do/did the following factors affect this outbreak:
      • Population
      • Geography
      • Hygiene
      • Cultural beliefs and practices
      • Globalization and ability to travel
      • Medical advances
      • Health system and government support.
      • Global/local response level
  • How did this event progress through being an endemic, epidemic, and pandemic disease?

4 - Excellent
3 - Good
2 - Basic
1 - Needs Improvement
The presentation answers all of the questions with detailed information
The presentation answers all of the questions with sufficient information
The presentation answers a majority of the questions with sufficient information.
The presentation does not answer a majority of the questions.
Research Methods
The research foundation is thorough and all sources are cited with no errors.
The research foundation is sound and all sources are cited with few errors.
The research foundation is sound on most points and most sources are cited with few errors.
The research is flawed and/or not cited properly.
The slides presentation is visually appealing and creative choices enhance communication of information.
The slides presentation is visually appealing and creative choices do not interfere with information.
The slides presentation is  sometimes visually appealing and creative choices occasionally interfere with information.
No effort has been made to make the presentation visually appealing

Thursday 3 March 2016

Outbreak: Anatomy of a Plague Discussion

outbreak.jpgOutbreak: Anatomy of a Plague Discussion

Please copy these questions into a document in your assignments folder and answer them in as much detail as you can.

  1. In 1888, the three methods of containing the smallpox virus were vaccination, isolation, and sanitation. Explain how each helps to slow down a contagious pathogen.
  2. What decision do you believe most contributed to these outbreaks becoming epidemics? Describe the event for both the 1885 outbreak and the scenario put forward for 2010.
  3. What role does the media play in an outbreak like this. Cite examples from both 1885 and the modern day.
  4. What role do you believe social media would play in a smallpox outbreak were it to happen today?
  5. Put yourself in the shoes of a front-line healthcare worker. In the case of a smallpox outbreak, what arguments can be made for coming into work and for not coming into work? What choice would you make personally?


Needs Improvement
The responses are through and show a clear understanding of the movie. Responses are full of correct details.
Writing is perfect.
The responses are clear and correct. Responses have some detail from the movie. Writing is mostly error free.
The responses are superficial or lack significant amounts of information. Writing has frequent errors.
Multiple responses are incorrect or lack evidence or information to back them up.

Video: Crash Course immunity 1

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Class Plan March 2nd

Today we will be doing the following:

  • Discussing Epidemiology terms.
  • Discussion techniques for taking notes.
  • Watch Outbreak: Anatomy of a Plague

Video: History of Disease