Thursday 3 March 2016

Outbreak: Anatomy of a Plague Discussion

outbreak.jpgOutbreak: Anatomy of a Plague Discussion

Please copy these questions into a document in your assignments folder and answer them in as much detail as you can.

  1. In 1888, the three methods of containing the smallpox virus were vaccination, isolation, and sanitation. Explain how each helps to slow down a contagious pathogen.
  2. What decision do you believe most contributed to these outbreaks becoming epidemics? Describe the event for both the 1885 outbreak and the scenario put forward for 2010.
  3. What role does the media play in an outbreak like this. Cite examples from both 1885 and the modern day.
  4. What role do you believe social media would play in a smallpox outbreak were it to happen today?
  5. Put yourself in the shoes of a front-line healthcare worker. In the case of a smallpox outbreak, what arguments can be made for coming into work and for not coming into work? What choice would you make personally?


Needs Improvement
The responses are through and show a clear understanding of the movie. Responses are full of correct details.
Writing is perfect.
The responses are clear and correct. Responses have some detail from the movie. Writing is mostly error free.
The responses are superficial or lack significant amounts of information. Writing has frequent errors.
Multiple responses are incorrect or lack evidence or information to back them up.

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